41 Compositions for BigBand
“No Guts No Glory” (check out the midi mp3 versions)
(written between 2007-2012)
2 a.sx.Eb, 2 t.sx.Bb,1brt.sx.Eb, 4 tp.Bb, 4 tromb., drums, organ/piano, el.gtr, double bass.
Book 1 scores
1.Cry (2’53) pg 1-19 score
2.Dough 47 (4’03) pg.20-43 score
3.Russian Wedding (2’20) pg.44-62 score
4.The neighbour next door (4’36) pg.63-92 score
5.Rockadelic (4’01) pg.93-102 score
6.Taduum (2’442) pg.103-127 score
7.Minimal riff (3’35) pg.128-144 score
8.So Sexy! (3’10) pg.145-160 score
9.Non Scholae sed vitae discimus (0’25) pg.161-161 score
Book 2 scores
10.Little gig in Chico (3’52) pg.162-170 score Listen.mp3
11.Old love (2’55) pg.171-187 score
12.You talk too much (2’02) pg.188-192 score
13.”No guts, no glory” (5’19) pg.193-232 score Listen.mp3
14.Coming up (3’16) pg.233-262 score Listen.mp3
15.Cry, sing, dance, now I’m free (2’37) pg.263-277 score
16.Walking backwards (3’15) pg.278-300 score Listen.mp3
17.Back again (3’01) pg.301-323 score
18.The jig (2’33) score pg.324-347
Book 3 score
19.Night blue light (3’02) pg.348-369 score
20.God knows why! (2’12) pg.370-381 score Listen.mp3
21.Miss home and you (2’56) pg.382-394 score Listen.mp3
22.Blues (3’57) pg.395-404 score
23.Strokes (3’10) pg.405-430 score
24.Indian affair (2’50) pg.431-445 score
25.If it ain’t (3’28) pg.446-485 score
26.Frankie (2’32) pg.486-498 score
27.Frankie’s back in town (3’23) pg.499-515 score
Book 4 score
28.Crises & Perversions (3’48) pg.516-552 score Listen mp3
29.I’m just a country-boy (5’07) pg.553-601 score
30.Min(g)us 1 (So Long Charles Mingus) (8’32) pg.602-684 score
31.New York Skyline (2’58) pg.685-714 score Listen.mp3
32.Pigs into space (3’43) pg.715-748 score Listen.mp3
33.Far away (2’44) pg.749-759 score listen
34.Night Music (3’21) pg.760-770 score
35.Endless love (2’40) pg.771-779 score
36.Lizzy (2’38) pg.780-796 listen
Book 5
37.Don’t think too long about it (2’42) score
38.Birds can’t count (3’34) (no el.gtr) score listen
39.Did you try your cold showers? (3’50) score
40.Worked up (2’52) score Listen
41.Funky Bop (3’01) score
42.Easy Cool (3’55) score
43.Bird’s in Paradise (3’21) score
44.It’s a Thing these Days (2’29) score
45.30 miles from Dorset (2’02) score
Book 6
46.Big man(3’40) score
47.Mother’s Return (2’47) score
48.Nag It ! (3’58) score
49.Get Up! (5’24) score
50.Non Stop Electric Love (5’51) score
51.Crooner(6’41) score
52.Legal Limbo (4’57) score
53.Dip it in and Play (5’42) score
54.Algorithmic Apocalypse (5’50) score
55.Let the Chips fall where they may (4’26) score
56.Web Mobs (4’38) score
57.Haven of Blooms (3’58) score
58.The King is back (3’59) score
59.Break Down (3’27) score
60.Fooling around with Bach (4’50) score
61.As Spring Succeeds Winter (4’14) score
62.Frédéric goes all te way (4’12) with Chopin quotes. score
No Guts no Glory index.docx
2013 Nightangel (suite for bigband and DJ-scratcher)(25’00) score
youtube-part 1 – part 2 – part 3 – part 4 – part 5 – part 6 – part 7 – part 8

compositions for band (TX 109 Compositions )
composed from 1975 – 1981
Instruments: altosx.Eb,ten.sx.Bb,tpt.Bb,drums,el.pf,el.gtr(sometimes 2),el.bss.
Extra parts in the score like pads/strings/synths/guitars were dubbed in and not played in a concert. Today you could play them on a 2nd keyboard with samples or just syncing a computer.
Book 1 free download
1.White Orange(1975)(2’15) page 1/9
2.Can’t help being funky (5’10) page 10/29
3.Fever (1975)(5’02) page 30/46
4.Smot Snot(3’43) page 47/54
5.Spritz(6’51) page 55/69
6.Westcoast (4’42) page 70/94
7.Hug your Duck (4’36) page 95/125
8.Can’t get my finger out(3’37) page 126/153
9.Final Orgasme(3’52) page 154/179
10.Squad 109 (2’47) page 180/191
11.Let’s get Funky (3’31) page 192/209
12.Bellydancer(2’35) page 210/237
13.The Fragrance lingers(4’41)page 238/257
14.Turbo (4’54) page 258/283
15.Stampede(3’01) page 284/298
16.Pick your lick(3’12) page 299/324
17.The biggest bore in town (3’15) page 325/342
18.Funck it! (3’19) page 343/356
19.Too much Information (5’18) page 357/374
20.Born Free (5’15) page 375/391
Book 2 free download
1.Giants(1978)(2’56) page 1/12
2.Antonio(1981)(3’10) page 13/23
3.Running away from the devil(2’42) page 24/34
4.The trees are doing well on the graveyard(6’04) page 35/53
5.Connilingus in my Chevy interruptus(6’51) page 54/77
6.Let’s get down!(3’15) page 78/85
7.Cold and lonely on the moon(3’15) page 86/95
8.Mortal Flash(4’37) page 96/111
9.Een vogel is niet bang om te vallen(3’34) page 112/123
10.Romantic clouds and hard cash(5’04) page 124/132
11.In the catacombs of your mind (4’09) page 133/146
12.The last train to Doomsday-ville(3’01) page 147/154
13.Aggressive amplitude(3’54) page 155/168 Renamed but same piece Youtube
14.My fat momma(3’01) page 169/176
15.Ass backwards(3’01) page 177/184
16.Love leaving with a train(3’27) page 185/191
17.Why don’t you see?(3’15) page 192/200
18.All over the place(3’19) page 201/208
19.I like your hang-ups!(2’21) page 209/217
20.Hillbillies on the run(5’15) page 218/234
21.In love(2’55) page 235/240
22.Groom(3’20) page 241/247
Book3 free download
1.Girl from Puerto Rico (3’20) page 1/6
2.Our Only Hope(4’55) page 7/17
3.Amorous Area (1984)(2’35) page 18/24
4.Nr.7 (1982)(3’41) page 25/42
5.No Cocktailparty in the Cockpit(6’51) page 43/52
6.Peace-preachers (3’16) page 53/61
7.I’ve got a date with a hot Spanish girl (5’43) page 62/82
8.My Sweet little Cats(5’37) page 83/98
9.The Tomahawks are coming(4’05) page 99/114
10.Having a real good time (2’47) page 115/126
11.Let’s get funky (version 2)(3’31) page 127/145
12.Puttana di Roma(2’45) page 146/155
13.Explosion in Red(4’41) page 156/170
14.Take your Choice(4’54) page 171/192
15.Gondola(8’25) page 193/228