for alto/soprano recorder + stringorchestra (2013/2014/2015/2016)
Send me a mail if you want an audio or score sample
Dan Laurin recorded “Rock with that Flute” with the Eagle-recorder of Adriana Breukink

Dan Laurin, Adriana Breukink and Chiel in the television studio 7-2-16 of Podium Witteman
1. The Voice Of The Eagle (2012) (17’32) (also available for saxophone orchestra) Listen – score
2. Soprano’s Lament (2012) (14’51) Listen – score
3. Concert of broken flutes (also available for saxophone orchestra) (2012) (12’02) score
4. On Eagle Wings (13’14) (2012) Edition Tre Fontane score
5. Rock that flute (10’32) (2012) (part 2 : Amores) score
6. Now ! (13’46) (part 2.Red Summer Sunset) (also available for saxophone orchestra) (2012) Listen – score
7. Salute (13’11) (2012) score
8. The witches broom (8’41) 2008/2013 score
9. Twilight Visions (15’22) (2012) score
10. Eagles commonly fly alone (13’49) (2012) Youtube – score
11. Another Magic Flute (19’30) (2012) score
12. The Pied Piper (14’46) (also for saxophone orch.) (2012) Youtube part IV – score
13. Melancholetta (13’02) (2012) score
14. Nights in Amsterdam (14’03) (2012) score
15. Angels’ gaze (18’48) (2012) score
16. Andiamo – for Eagle (13’56) (2012) score
17. In the happiest, the darkest (16’36) (2013) score
18. The mask painted white (2013) (9’16) score
19. Ostinato (12’01) (2013) score
20. Let’s get lost (11’32) (2013) score
21. Blom (13’35) (2013) score
22. Pentatonic Insomnia (13’35) (2013) score
order score here
23. Stockholm Riots (11’01) (2013) score
24. Another world (12’33) (2013) score
25. So Many Questions (11’53) (2013) score
26. Morning mist in Bergen (11’00) (2013) score
27. Sweet and Crazy (12’14) (2013) score
28. Talking to Ludwig (18’21) (2013/2014) Doubleconcerto for 2 Eagle recorders, alto/soprano Order here score
29. Fading into Shadows (13’14) (2014) score
30. The Eagle’s Sky (16’35) (2014) score
31. Folk song fiesta (13’57) (2014) score
32. Blues (14’00) (2014) score
33. Lamentations of a fallen angel (16’30) score
34. Just what? (13’01) score
35. Angels are fun (13’00) score
36. The 3d paradise (10’23) score
37. Dizziness of freedom (13’11) score
38. Saga (19’00) score
39. Postcard Nostalgia (15’00) score
40. The French Boudoir (8’00) score
41. Sultry (14’00) score
42. Sorry, no results were found (10’00) score
43. The Romantic Dreamer (18’00) view sheet music
44. Still the Stones Stand (15’44) score
45. When the Party is Over (15’00) (+ 1 percussion player) score
46. Happy and Free (11’30) score
47. Let The Beat Begin (14’30) score
48. To the days ahead (14’45) score
49. 143 Letters To A Woman (2016) (11’00) for Eagle(tenor) + stringorch score
50. Dreamy Existence (2016) (14’30) Eagle (tenor + sopr. ) + stringorch score
51. Requiem for Mankind (2016) (20’00) Eagle(tenor) + stringorch score
52. Acceptance Of Fate (13’02) sopraan Eagle + Stringsorch score
53. The internet is not the real world (9’00) Eagle (sopr/alt), el. guitar, harpsichord and strings (Also flute/picc. version) score
54. Sucked into a black hole (12’10) Eagle, el. guitar, harpsichord en strings (Also flute/picc. version) Donemus score
55.They didn’t emote but I think they do now(15’40) for a/s rec., strings score
56.Fruit of Desire (2016: part 1-6’56, part 2-15’19) symph. orch. and recorder score
57.Cruiser (2016: 16’00, 3 parts) for strings and alto recorder score
58.A tune for my mother (2016-13’00) for a/s recorder and strings score
59.The Last Dance (13’00) for a/s recorder and strings Score
60.Final goodbeye (15’00) for a/s recorder and strings
61.After they’re gone (14’00) for a/s recorder and strings score
62.New Horizons ahead (12’30) for a/s recorder and strings score
63.Serendipity (17’00) for a/s recorder and strings score
64.Mellifluous (10’00) for a/s recorder and strings score
65.Quixotic Frenzy (13’41) for a/s recorder and strings score
66.Ophelia’s song of madness (14’00) for a/s recorder and strings score
67.Big times secrets (18’40) for a/s recorder and strings score
68.When destruction wins, they will live in ashes (13’51) a/s recorder/strings score
69.Romances sans paroles (18’15) for a/s recorder and strings score
70.Big Booster (16’17) for a/s recorder and strings score
71.Starpulse (16’52) for a/s recorder and strings score
72.Perpetuate transmigration (13’16) for a/s recorder and strings score
73.Belladonna (10’28) for a/s recorder and strings score
74.Red Priest Reversed Mastery (11’52) for a/s recorder and strings score
75.the Ultimate Girl Power Hero (15’30) for a/s recorder/strings score
76.The Achievement of the Goal of the Quest (15’57) score
77.Dancing with the demons (15’05) for a/s recorder/strings Listen score
78.Visions of Perfection (13’24) for a/s recorder and strings score
79.Hyper Wizard Park (11’25) for a/s recorder and strings score
80.Fullmetal Alchemist (14’02) for a/s recorder and strings score
81.Mutant Necromancer Nights (12’46) for a/s recorder and strings score
82.Shotgirls (15’16) for a/s recorder and strings score
83.Messsage from the Clan of the Battle Axe (18’45) for a/s recorder/strings score
84.Burst of arcane energy (13’43) for a/s recorder and strings score
85.The haunting happens in the west (16’02) for a/s recorder/strings score
86.The Ultimate Workout (12’00) for a/s recorder and strings score
87.Kiss of Death (11’00) for a/s recorder and strings score
88.The Heartland (17’22) for a/s recorder and strings score
89.Hungry for a hunt (15’37) for a/s recorder and strings score
90.Highlander’s farewell (12’12) for a/s recorder and strings score
91.Closer to the Infinite beyond this World (13’55) for a/s recorder/strings score
92.Apollo’s Angels (18’20) for a/s recorder and strings score
93.Locust Street Mantras (14’43) for 2 recorders (both a/s) and strings score
94.Muggles (14’22) for 2 recorders (both a/s) and strings score
95.Triangle of desire (15’15) for 2 recorders (both a/s), accordion/strings score
115.When the bell blew up (14’40) for 2 recorders and strings score Listen
116.All’s fair in love and work (14’28) for 4 recorders and strings score listen
117.Maubeuge glaciales (15’02) for recorder (s/a) and stringsscore
118.Pushing Mozart (Ode to Mozart) (12’35) for recorder (s/a) and strings score
119.Fem Dom Life (17’29) for recorder (s/a) and strings score
120.Flying to Cloud Nine (12’44) for 4 rec.(s/a) and strings score
130.A New Day, A New Life (12’40) for 2 recorders and strings score
131.Cockles of the Heart (17’49) for recorder and strings score
131.Loos (recorder, vibraphone, strings) (10’53) score
132.Hitting the high note (recorder, strings) (11’10) score
133.Waltzing Snowflakes (recorder, strings) (10’10)
134.Poems Written but Never Sent (recorder, vibraphone, strings) (10’02) score
135.The Final Battle (recorder, vibraphone, strings)(13’17) score
136.Hard to hide (recorder, vibraphone, strings)(11’14) score
137.BOOSH-WAH (recorder, vibraphone, strings)(11’32) score
138.Pick me Up (recorder, vibraphone, strings)(12’05) score
139.It’s going up (recorder, vibraphone, strings)(11’30) score
140.This is Life (It seems like people get burned many times over) (recorder, vibraphone, strings)(13’14) score
141.Brainchatter (recorder vibraphone, strings)(11’55) score
142.From Zero to Hero (altorecorder, vibraphone, strings)(15’41) score
143.Zoomers (alto_sopr.recorder, vibraphone, strings)(10’30)
143.Waiting for Return (for alto/sopr. recorder and strings)(11’33)
recordings of the CD ‘Rock that Flute’ by Dan Laurin : listen
cd available at Order here
Listen to radio programme Diskotabel playing and discussing Soprano’s Lament Diskotabel-20-dec.mp3
Music published by Donemus, unless mentioned otherwise (Tre Fontane or Moeck)