1981 A sexshop in a desert (4’) – guitar score youtube
1986 The ultimate (6’) – guitar score
1988 Enough matches to burn Rome (±6’) – guitar (NP)
1976 Westminster Abbey (7’) – 2 guitars score Youtube
1978 Woody the Woodpecker (5′) – 2 guitars score youtube
1978 Scouts of Mars (8’) – 2 ac. guitars. violin, vibraphone., harpsichord score
1982 De hel is minder woest dan een versmade vrouw (8′) – 2 guitars (rev. 1983) (transl.: The hell is less fierce than a scorned woman ) score
1983 Aandrang (Urge) (8′) – 2 guitars score Youtube
1984 Katatone (7′) – 2 guitars (transl.: catatonic) score
1984 De pelikipsalverduin likt de weldoenschamper van de perigaanklammateur (The Pelikipsalverduin licks the benevolent scorn of the perigant clam) (7′) – flute, guitar score
1984 Prikkeloverdracht (Stimulus transfer) (8′) – violin and guitar score
1984 Windrukken (Wind gusts)(7′) – 2 guitars score
1986 Nini (rev. 1987) (10′) – viola and guitar listen score
1988 Dog-days in Rome (4’) – 2 gtr.(NP)
1990 How is your stiff neck today? (9′) – electric guitar and piano listen score
1998 Auto-Bahn Krieg (6’) – guitar and soprano-sax.score Youtube
1998 Zero through Nine (9’30) Version for two guitars score
1999 Rin Tin Tin (8’) – ac.guitar and mandolin listen score
2001 Free the birds (7’) – panflute and ac.guitar score Youtube
2001 Free the birds (7’) – flute and ac.guitar score

1978 Scouts of Mars (5’) – 2 ac. guitars and violin score
1980 Are you afraid of the dark? (7’) – 3 guitars youtube part 1 New World Gtr Trio – score
youtube part 2 A’dam grt trio
1981 Met m’n linkerhand (With my left hand) (12’) – 2 harpsichords, guitar score
1981 Swami hot-shot (rev. 1983) (8’) – 3 guitars listen top computer played version score
982 ’t Oude verstikt ’t nieuwe (8’) – 3 guitars score
1983 Geritseld (rev. 1984) (9’) – 3 guitars score
1983 The insects (are coming) (9’) – 3 guitars score Youtube
1983 De kip in de put (9’) – 3 guitars score
1985 Miss Garcia doesn’t ring anymore (rev. 1986) (8’) – 3 guitars youtube score
1986 Het komt meer voor dan je denkt… (8’) – 3 guitars socre
1987 Handgeld (rev. 1991) (9’) – flute, guitar and viola score
1987 Het benaderen van het vrouwtje (8’) – 3 guitars score
1987 Knockin’ around town (20th-century heartbeat) (rev. 1991)(11’) –
percussion, accordion and guitar score
1987 Winds of change (5’) – viola and 3 guitars Listen score
(also version for piano and viola)
1988 Another day dies on a gull’s cry (5’) – viola and 3 guitars listen score
1989 Two men and a lady (8’) – 3 guitars score listen
1992 The everlasting life-insurance company (9′) – 3 guitars listen score
1992 It still feels like yesterday sometimes (11’) – 3 guitars NP
1993 How to make love to a woman (11’) – 3 guitars listen score
1993 Was guckst du mir denn immer in die Bluse? (15′) – 2 harpsichords/el. guitar score
1995 Meisje met geschoren oksel (8’03) – 3 guitars (NP)
1995 Urban popular music of the massa-media (3’11) – 3 guitars (NP)
1997 Wie nooit schiet, mist altijd… (6′ ) (The body-machine) – 3 guitars score
1997 Little box of serenity (6’) – flute,viola, ac. Guitar score
1999 Look what the cat dragged in- soprano sax., guitar score
1999 Look what the cat dragged in- flute, guitar score
1999 Zero through nine (6’) – guitartrio listen (computer generated) score
1999 Zero through nine (6′) – guitarduo
2005 Ask Dr. Frank (10’) – ac.guitar, mandolin and alto recorder score Youtube
1988 Kwit (3’53) – 4 guitars score Youtube
1989 Accidental Meeting (10’32) 4 guitars score Youtube
Disclaimer: these pieces are odes originally written and not quoting in any way musically or in another way the named artists
2013/1998 Catherine Deneuve (3’09) – 4 guitars Listen score
2013/1998 Gwyneth Paltrow (3’30) – 4 guitars score Listen
2013/1998 Cameron Diaz (3’13)-4 guitars score Listen
2013/1998 Marilyn Monroe (3’20)-3 guitars score Youtube
2013 Nadya Tolokno (4’04) – 4 guitars score Listen
2013 Kim Kardashian (3’44)- 4 guitars score Listen
2013/1998 Naomi Campbell (3’01)-4 guitars score Listen
2013/1998 Cicciolina (Part II) (2’42)-4 guitars score Listen
2013/1998 Adriana Sklenarikova (4’19)-4 guitars score Listen
2013/1998 Anne Hathaway (2’53) – 4 guitars Listen
2013/1998 Angelina Jolie (3’24) – 4 guitars Listen
2013/1998 Annette Bergman (2’30) – 4 guitars Listen
2013/1998 Taylor Swift (2’45)- 4 guitars Listen
(version with violin, bassoon, ac.gtr. and el.bass)
2013/1998 Christina Applegate (4’19)-3 guitars Listen
2013/1998 Dolly Parton (2’36) – 4 guitars Listen to stringquartet version
2013/1998 Beyoncé (3’45) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Cher (2’29) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Scarlett Johansson (3’28) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Maria Callas (2’30) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Cicciolina III (3’30) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Huba (2’28) – 4 guitars Listen to Stringquartet version score
2013/1998 Kiss of fire (part 2)(3’17) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Francesca Rettordini (2’43)- 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Berceuse (P!nk)(2’35) – 4 guitars score listen to pianoarrangement
2013/1998 Gypsy queen (Elizabeth Taylor) 3’13 – 4 guitars score
2013/1009 Sophia Loren (2’55) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Malaika Arora (4’01) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Danielle de Niese (3’26) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Keira Knightley (4’00) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Penélope Cruz (3’39) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Gina Lollobrigida (2’18) – 4 guitars score
2013/1998 Aurelie Claudel (2’21) – 4 guitars score
2023/1998 Yuja Wang (3’29) – 4 guitars score
1998 Romeo Died (3’01)- 4 guitars score listen
2007 The Wave for 15 el.gtrs, marimba, vibraphone, casa grande, susp.cymbal and audio drumtrack. watch Interview Score

Music published by Donemus, unless mentioned otherwise (Tre Fontane or Moeck)
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