1982 De Tijd (The Times)(based on Faust) Musical) (60’) – el.bss/el.gtr/synth./drums and choir(protagonists also in choir) listen live version order free copy
1983 4 kleine meisjes (4 little girls) (60’) – orch.+band and 1 sopr, 2 mezzo, 1 alto score
1985 Spelbedervers (20′) – flute, clarinet, percussion, 2 violins and violoncello score
1986 Ur-Faust (50′ )(Goethe), music theatre for soloists, choir and chamberorchestra Listen life version score
1986 Overture to Ur-Faust (3’) symph.orch. (NP) order free copy
1988 Die letzten Tagen der Menschheit (90’) for chamberorch., el.g., el.b.,choir and 2 actors order free copy
1994 St. Louis blues (115′) (Lyrics by P. Binnerts), opera for 7 soloists and wind ensemble + el.gtr
el.bass and perc. listen (from 1st act: “Wat is een mens”) listen (from 3rd axt: “Alles komt in orde”) review in dutch Uhr-score
1998 Gershwin in Blue (90’) (lyrics by Lodewijk de Boer),for sax.quartet, cb, dr, pf, ch choir youtube score
Someday (from the opera Gershwin in Blue) youtube
1998 De maarschalk die zijn oor te luisteren legde (19’) for speaker and orch. score
1998 De petomaan (60’) – 2 guitars, el.bass, cello and accordion(NP)
1999 St.Louis Blues Suite (30’) – wind ensemble, soprano and tenor score
2000 Welluzz-Nietuzz (45’) – mezzo, percussion, cello, accordion (opera for children) score
2005 Alzheimer’s opera (80’) 4 harps, stringquartet, 2 perc., choir of 12 (6 sopranos/6 altos) and 5 rolls (ten/2 mezzos/sopr/bar./bass) youtube (part 1) youtube (part 2)
alzheimeropera Apple music score version in English avaible.
2005 De vermoeide minnaars (20′ ) (the tired lovers) – flute / clr.Bb-bass.clr./ accordion (9 short pieces) score
2005 Mara and das merkwürdige Meer (35’ )(text:Marcus Orths) for recorderquartet and speaker edition-tre-fontane
2006 The Styx (60’) (rev.2007), opera for flt./3 saxes, 3 trp./3trmb/perc./pf/el.bass en 5 singers-s/a/t/br/bs. Libretto by Imme Dros(NP) youtube view trailer – info about opera
2007 Grenspost Zinnenwald (90’) – 2 flt./clr.Bb /a.sx./ brt.sx.~s.sax./fr.h./ trpt./2trmb./tuba/vibr.-xyl.-drums-perc./ pf/ el.gtr./el.bass. and 3 female leading rolls (sopr.,mezzo, alt), 4 supporting roles score youtube1 youtube2 youtube3 youtube4 youtube5 youtube6
2007 Non Scholae sed vitae discimus (30’) (Lyrics Sandra Lange) for 10 female singers, big band) (the big band pieces in this theaterplay are published separately) Non Scholae sed vitae discimus Cry Rockadelic
2008 Ambrosia (De Keizer is knetter)(60’) – band (el.gtr/bassgtr/synth./drums-perc.) + tenor+bariton) score Listen: Kwali Kuna Trailer Sail Away Pereyokappa Civilisatie Ik ben alleen (I’m all alone)
Intermezzo Kwali Kuna Ik kan de zon laten schijnen (I can make the sun shine) Zeg mij na (Say After Me) Ambrosia Kleine gemene dief (You little mean thief!)
2009 Arias – div. highlights from Operas by Chiel Meijering : st Louis Blues, Alzheimeropera, Styx, Grenspost Zinnenwald, Ereprijs in haar keel, Boogloze Boogpees, Ambrosia (Kwali Kuna) for vocal/piano
2010 Blauwbaard (Bluebeard) (90′) for oboe, strings (1vl/2vl/vla/vlc), el.gtr, el.bass, drums(+vibraphone), 5 solovoices(tenor, 2 baritons, 2 soprano) + female choir (12) score youtube
2011 the Tempest (45’00) Holland Opera -production score youtube
the music of Henry Purcell that was also used is not in this score
F(ast)O(pera)P(roductions) – video-opera’s
2012 Silconen (4’02) a FOP-production youtube (NP)
2012 Olympische Spelen (3’16) a FOP-production youtube (NP)
2012 Formatie (3’20) a FOP-production youtube (NP)
2012 Christmas Song (3’30) a FOP-production youtube (NP)
2014 Suikertantes (60′) Holland Opera – production youtube
2016 Who’s Afraid of Orfeo? (De Hellevaart van As) (01”30’00) opera for 5 singers (S-A-T-Brt-Bss), Windensemble, el.guitar, el.bass and percussion youtube & (aria)
2019 St.Louis Blues (115′) (Lyrics by P. Binnerts), opera for 7 soloists and wind ensemble + el.gtr, el.bass and perc. (new direction by Jeroen Kriek) score youtube
2024.Bluebeard (English version)Youtube SoundCloud final aria More scenes Bluebeardopera
Music published by Donemus, unless mentioned otherwise (Tre Fontane or Moeck)
(NP=non-published) order free copy at nederlandsmuziekinstituut.nl
or send an email to: chielmeijering@gmail.com