1982 Een paard met 5 poten (5′ ) (rev. 1984) – 4 recorders youtube
1982 Een paard met 5 poten (5′ ) (1984 rev. Karel v. Steenhoven) score
1991 Sitting ducks (7’) – rec.quartet (Ascolta publisher) youtube
1995 Danger of being swallowed (11′) – 4 recorders and string quintet score part 1 score part 2
1998 Trekhaak (15’) – 4 Paetzold bass-recorders(F/C/C/F) facebook
1998 How do we get up there? (5’) Recorder-quartet youtube – score
1999 A day in the life of a Wookie-Wookie (6’) 13 rec., harpsichord, cb score
1999 Überhappy (2’50) – altorecorder + piano (Edition Tre Fontane)
2002 Cybergirls go extreme (9’21) – recorderquartet and tape score youtube
2003 Ludwig auf Freiersfüssen (10’) – tenorrecorder and stringquartet youtubescore
2003 Moiré (10′) 12 recorders (Edition Tre Fontane) score youtube
2003 Pet rescue (25’) – recorderquartet score
(Part 1.Het raadsel van de scheve toren,
2.Pet rescue,
4.Dildo on the run,
5.Toenail growing in youtube
6.Sanctus youtube
7.Farewell to the summer,
8.How do we get up there 1,
9.How do we get up there 2,
10.Zakpijpen (Blowing the sack) youtube – score
2005 Mara und das merkwürdige Meer (suite) (17’) – recorderquartet score
2005 Birds in paradise (18’) – 2 recorders and tape (Edition Tre Fontane) listen score
2005 Harde puntjes(20′) – recorderquartet and stringquartet youtube (Edition Tre Fontane)
part 1 youtube – part 2 youtube – part 4 youtube
2007 Pick and mix (10’) – 2 recorders and tape listen score
2007 Please tell me more (5’30) – recorder and piano (Moeck Verlag) score listen
2007 A straw in the wind (2’32) – recorder and piano (Moeck Verlag) score
2007 Game of love (3’00) – recorder and piano (Moeck Verlag) score
2007 Gretchen’s Haus (3’28) – recorder, piano, viola and cello score
2007 Es war einmal ein König (3’) – 2 recorders, piano, vla,vlc score
2007 When the cock crowed his warning (4’38) – 2 recorders, piano, vla,vlc score
2007 The journey has just begun (3’13) – 2 recorders, piano, vla, vlc score youtube
2007 Dreams (3’21) 2 recorders, piano, vla,vlc. score youtube
2008 Cortège (4’13) – organ and soloinstrument (rec./.ob/trp etc.) (rev.1998) (Edition Tre Fontane) youtube
2008 The house with paper walls (3’34) – recorder and piano (Edition Tre Fontane) score
2009 Fanfare – 2 sop., 2 ten, 2 F basset, 2 C bass, 1 F bas (9’30) (Edition Tre Fontane) score listen
2010 Aliens tonight (7’30’) – recorderquartet (Edition Tre Fontane) score
2010 Buttons and magic holes (12′) – accordion + recorder (Edition Tre Fontane) download
2010 Silver Falls is in the Heart of the Forest (2’40) 2 rec vl vc pf score
2011 Danzai (17′) – recorder, panflute, accordion, viola, percussion score youtube
2011 It comes in different sizes (8’22) (recorder + piano) (Edition Tre Fontane)
2011 Spring will be great (9’00) recorder quartet (Edition Tre Fontane) youtube
2011 Once in a while the moon turns blue (6’20) for recorder trio Score youtube
2011 My Final Fantasy (7’00) for 2 sopr., 1 alt, 1 tenor, 2 F-basset, 2 C-bass, 1 F-bass (ETF) Listen
2011 The Sleep of the Apples (6’52) for 2 sopr., 1 alt, 1 tenor, 2 F-basset, 2 C-bass, 1 F-bass (ETF)
2011 Hot Pink Happy (11’40) for 2 sopr., 1 alt/tenor, 1 tenor, 2 F-basset, 2 C-bass, 1 F-bass (ETF) score listen part 4
2012 The eagle flies (7’25) for Eagle-recorder + piano (Edition Tre Fontane) score
2013 What my girlfriend (or boyfriend) does when I’m away (9’) – Eagle-recorder and piano (Edition Tre Fontane) score
2013 Minimal Extravaganza (alto rec. pf) (4’22) score
2013 The price of happiness (alto rec. and piano) – Edition Tre Fontane (3’58)
2014 Pick up your troubles (8’52) recorder quartet satb (Edition Tre Fontane) score
2014 The Music-grinders (6’47) recorder quartet satb (Edition Tre Fontane) score
2014 Candybox (= Caixa de Dolços) (3’21) 2 rec. vl, vlc, piano score youtube
2015 Coup Rapide (5’42) (sopr or alto recorder-pf)(Edition Tre Fontane) score
2015 Silhoette Dances (alto rec. -pf) (12’00)(Edition Tre Fontane) score
2015 Echoes of time (sopr. rec.-pf) (12’00)
2015 Fading memories (sopr. rec.-pf) (11’00)
2015 Shaking the autumn blues (sopr. rec.-pf) (11’00)
2015 Swelling semiquavers (sopr. rec.-pf) (10’00) score
2019 Shooting an Arrow in the Future ( 4’37) sop.rec a.rec perc pf vl-solo stringorch.srore
2020 MOMitude (sopr./alto rec.-pf) (5’48) (Edition Tre Fontane) score
2020 Airstrike (alto rec.-pf) (5’13)

Music published by Donemus, unless mentioned otherwise (Tre Fontane or Moeck)
or send an email to: chielmeijering@gmail.com