1978 The ugly howling-monkey (5′) – baritone sax. /violin score
1983 De navoer verstijfd in ’t tochtige hol van ’t geborgte (6′)(rev. 1989) – alto/sopr.sax., piano score
1985 Niet doorslikken (5′) – baritone saxophone and violin score
1989 Uppercut (8′) – baritone sax, piano score youtube
1989 The pizza-connection (7′) alto sax., piano score youtube
1990 Grinding to a hold (8′) –brt. sax., piano score
1990 Elle a chaud au cul (8′) – alto sax., marimba, synthesizer, bass gtr. score
1990 Quadaerdige Uytsetselen (5’) – alto sax., marimba, synth. and el.bass score youtube
1990 Start from Scratch (6’) same as before (+ drums/rhythm-box) score youtube
1990 Predelerium (8’) – alto sax., marimba, synth. and el.bass NP
1990 Cats do not go to heaven! (5’) – alto sax., marimba, synth. and el.bass NP
1990 Testing the limits ( 8’) – alto sax., marimba, synth. and el.bass score
1991 De druiven zijn zuur (9’) (rev. 1992) – flt., ten. sax.,vln.,vlc score
1993 No pain no gain (rev. 1994) (9′) – accordion and alto saxophone score
1995 Falak (sad song of yearning) (10′) – sopr. Sax. and piano youtube score
1995 Oefeningen op het strand (8′) – alto sax. and piano score
1995 Rub-down (3′) – soprano saxophone and piano score
1996 No Go Area (9’42) – tape & bart.sx. score
1996 ShhBang (10′) – altosax., windensemble, el.b., el.g. score youtube
1997 Kielwater (7’) – altosax, cello and tape score
1998 Autobahn Krieg (6’) – gtr , sopr.-sax. youtube – score
1998 Kick and rush (3’) – harpsichord, score
1998 Kick and rush (3’) – altosax, percussion, harpsichord, el.bass
1998 Big Jumbos (11’) – altosax, percussion, harpsichord, el.bass, sopr. score youtube
1999 Mobsters (10’) – altosaxsolo, stringorchestra and percussion score youtube
1998 Kick and rush (3’) – harpsichord score
1999 Swinging in the wind (4’) – altosax, percussion, harpsichord, el.bass
1999 Shoop Shoop (13’) altsax (impro.), cello and harp score
2000 Play it to the bone (9’) for bar.sax and stringquartet score
000 Play it to the bone (9’) for bar.sax, piano score
2000 Het vocht verdwijnt niet door een vrouw te nemen (6’) -solo bariton sax listen score
2001 Look what the cat dragged in (6’) -ac.guitar, sopr. sax. score
2006 Etude énormément (8’) – for 9 saxophones score
2006 ChaChaCha (5’52) harp and altosax
2006 Amore (9’) – piano and tenorsax (rev.1998) score
2006 Tattoo (8’) – sopr./alto saxophone and piano score
2007 Follow the whisper (13’) – saxophone and piano youtube part 1 – part 3
2008 The Alpine Hunter Song (8’00) sax and piano score
(deel 2: Berceuse (for grown-ups) (2’26) deel 3: The Bankrupt-Jazz (3’33) deel 4: Barbaric dance (3’10) )
2009 Examania (11’00) – altosaxophone-concerto + flute/hobo/clarinet Bb/bassoon/french horn/trumpet in C/trombone/electrec bass/vibraphone – 3 parts – score YouTube
2009 Examania (11’00) – altosaxophone, piano score
2009 Fruit of Desire (22’15) for orchestra and saxophone solo: sopr./alto/bariton
2009 Hot Pipes (11’23) for clarinets (1 Eb / 3 Bb / 1 basscl.) organ and saxophones (1 spr. / 1alto sax/ 1 ten.sax/ 1 brt.sax/ 1 bassax – dedicated to Maestro Jose Antonio Abreu score
2009 Latin Overdrive (12’35) for clarinets (1 Eb / 3 Bb / 1 basscl.) clarinet Bb solo and saxophones (1 spr. / 1alto sax / 1 ten.sax / 1 brt.sax / 1 bassax) score
2009 Never Seen Him Back(10′) for saxophone and piano
2011 The day is gone (8’20) for saxophone, orgue, choir, double bass score youtube
2011 Gegrüßet J.S.Bach (13’20) for saxophone, orgue, choir, double bass score youtube
2011 Glaß-Bach (Variaçoes Prelúdio)(4’27) for saxophoneorgue, choir, double bass score youtube
2011 Jesu meine Freude (2’30) for saxophone, orgue, choir, double bass score
2011 Living in the light of the gospel (7’48) for saxophone, orgue, choir, double bass score youtube
2011 Allemande, where have you gone? (3’34) for saxophone, orgue, choir, double bass score
2011 Also sprach Bach (2’35) for saxophone, orgue, choir, double bass score
2011 Don’t Shoot At the Saxophone Player (8’10) piano + soprano/alto sax – Album iTunes
2012 Barbies for adults (7’07) 2 accordions + soprano sax + percussion (NP)
2013 Het vocht verdwijnt niet door een vrouw te nemen (5’10) for sax. orch. score
2015 The Silent Horn (12’00) piano + soprano sax
2015 Arrivano i Vichinghi (5’57) cello + tenr.sax. score
2015 Arrivano i Vichinghi (5’57) tenr.sax., pf score
2015 Ahead of the Curve (6’31) alto sax + piano score
2017 The Last Ride (16’12) 4 bariton saxes and stringorchestra.
2018 The rock we all push (8’08) bariton sax and tape youtube
2020 Happy Hours (6’34) for tape and bariton sax
2020 Let’s Fly (6’19) for tape and bariton sax
2021 Powering up (6’55) for 4 bariton saxophones
2021 RED YELLOW & BLUE (sopr. sax, alto sax, ten.sax, brt.sax., bass sax)(15’00)
inspired by Piet Mondriaan
2022 There are Covidcases in the Jazz-Department ! for 4 baritons (9’27)
Inspired and J.S. Bach based compositions:
2023 Sins of humanity (12’55) for 2 sax-Qtets, s.sx. solo, organ
2023 Glass Bach (5’51) sopr.sx solo., sax-Qtet, organ
2023 The Waste Land (7’35) sax-Qtet, organ
2023 The Last Men Standing (4’08) sopr.sx. solo, sax-Qtet, organ
2023 The day is gone (5’24) sopr.sx. solo, sax-Qtet, organ
2023 Take my last breath (3’30) bart.sx. solo, sax-Qtet, organ
2023 Nun Lob-Ich dank dir (5’47) sopr sx/brt.sx. solo, sax-Qtet, organ
2023 Living in the light of gospel (5’54) sopr sx/brt.sx. solo, sax-Qtet, organ
2023 Grand finale (13’21) sopr sx/brt.sx. solo, sax-Qtet, organ
2023 Gegrüßet J.S.Bach (12’02) sopr sx/brt.sx. solo, sax-Qtet, organ score
2023 Bach to the future (5’52) sopr.sx. solo, sax-Qtet, organ
2023 Also spach Bach (2’34) sopr.sx. solo, sax-Qtet, organ
2023 The Leap of Nisjinki (suites 1-9) for 1 ten.sx, 1 brt.sax, piano: suite 1 (9’56) score
suite 2 (12’59) score
suite 3 (11’59) score
suite 4 (7’49) score
suite 5 (9’17) score
suite 6 (11’32) score
suite 7 (15’22) score
suite 8 (10’52) score
suite 9 (13’58) score
2024: Echoes of Leipzig (for Bariton Solo inspired by J.S.Bach) Listen to short version for two baritons

Music published by Donemus, unless mentioned otherwise (Tre Fontane or Moeck)
or send an email to: chielmeijering@gmail.com